Feuerstahl – A camping trip can never be planned 100 percent.
Especially if you are traveling in a camper, roof tent or just with a rucksack, it is important to have some useful outdoor equipment with you to be prepared for all eventualities.
If you want to make a campfire quickly and easily at the campsite in the evening or on a long hike, for example, a fire starter is a practical and helpful companion.
Find out everything you need to know here.
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Camping Ratgeber:
Definition: What exactly is refractories?
Fire steel is available as a rod or as a block.
It is made of high-carbon steel and is used to ignite sparks quickly and easily, for example to start a fire.
The fire steel is struck against a sharp edge of a piece of rock as required, whereby the resulting friction produces sparks that reach temperatures of up to 1,500 degrees.
A small rod of fire steel is not really expensive, can easily be carried in your pocket and can be very useful in many situations.
For example, if you are traveling for a few days on your own with only the most necessary equipment, fire steel can be a real help in difficult situations.
For example, if you need to make a fire quickly and without much equipment or if something gets wet.
Information about fire steel:
- Available as a rod or block
- Consists of high-carbon steel
- Used to generate sparks
- Sparks reach temperatures of 1,500 degrees
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How long does a firesteel last?
A fire steel usually lasts between 8,000 and 12,000 strikes.
So if you are planning a normal camping trip and want to light a fire now and again, you will definitely get by with your fire steel.
What is the best firesteel?
Top 7 models
Here I have picked out some popular, recommended and practical fire steels for your next camping trip, which may be coming up soon:
- The Friendly Swede fire starter Easy Grip
- Primal Bull fire steel with paracord handle
- BUSHGEAR Black Steels fire steel
- Wolfgangs Feuerstahl Outdoor
- KIYANO Fire Steel Premium Set incl.
blowpipe - 7 in 1 flint fire starter set
- Light My Fire fire steel Army