Children's hands with some shells are held by adult hands.

Top 6 beach activities with children: Vacation by the sea without boredom

Beach activities with children – Whether toddlers or teenagers, beach vacations are fun for the whole family.
A vacation at the beach also offers parents a relaxing break.
And the choice is huge!
There are beautiful beaches on the coasts of Germany, on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.
With a car and a roof tent, you can also travel flexibly as far as Italy or France.
Once the journey has been made, the younger family members also want to be kept busy.
If everyone makes great memories along the way, it strengthens the family bond.
Here are six tips to make sure everyone has fun on the beach.

Toddler or teenager: fun for everyone!

Are you at the seaside and want to spend time on the beach so that the children have fun too?

These activities are particularly popular with younger children:

  • Search for shells
  • Building sandcastles
  • Playing in the water

For teenagers, there are often more exciting activities on offer:

A sandcastle stands on the beach.

Safety with children on the beach: Shallow sandy beaches

Shallow water with a weak current and low swell is helpful for a vacation with children.
If the children want to walk barefoot, a sandy beach is recommended to prevent the risk of injury.
You should also remember sun cream.
Otherwise sunburn can really hurt in the evening.
It is also nice if the beach is supervised by lifeguards and there are first aid stations.
If there are also restaurants or a beach bar nearby, you can also prevent hunger.
You should pay attention to these things when choosing the right beach:

  • Shallow water with hardly any current & few waves
  • Better barefoot on a sandy beach (less risk of injury)
  • Take enough sun cream with you (sunburn hurts!)
  • More safety: lifeguards & first aid stations
  • Recommended: Restaurants or bar for a snack in between

This is the place to be!
6 tips for beautiful beaches

You should visit these two German towns if you are looking for a particularly family-friendly beach.

Both are located on the German coast, but it has many more beautiful beaches.
You can find out where to go on a beach vacation nearby here:

To give you an even wider choice, here are three countries or regions where you can also visit particularly beautiful beaches.

You can find more destinations for family vacations, especially with children, here:

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