USB fairy lights – You may have already seen them on Instagram and the like.
The romantic photos of vacations in nature with beautifully lit tents.
With the USB light chain, you can now create a cozy atmosphere in your own tent.
Even in dark vacation spots, like in Norway after the summer solstice.
This light chain is even specially adapted for camping so that nothing can go wrong.
Camping Ratgeber:
Your own starry sky, at the touch of a button
The fairy lights were a little project from the heart.
It is ten meters long and therefore offers enough length to attach it to the tent in a way that suits you.
The cables between the individual lights are specially coated so that they are less likely to get tangled and are also waterproof.
This is particularly practical for outdoor use, as the light chain is now protected from rain, dew and other environmental influences.
As a high power supply is often somewhat difficult when camping with a roof tent, this light chain even has a USB connection that fits into any standard power bank (rechargeable battery).
This means you can set up your fairy lights anywhere.
So that the fairy lights don’t get too bright and you can adjust them to suit you, they also have a switch for adjusting the brightness. [sv slug=”camping”]
Tip: The camping lamp even has a built-in power bank so that you can use it to charge the fairy lights.
If you are now wondering what this cool gadget looks like in action, you can find a video with impressions, more information and an overview of the light chain’s features here:
More light in the tent in bad weather?
Clear windows!
Is it dark when the awning is closed in bad weather?
Not if you retrofit your awning with a transparent window, a see-through awning cover.
Here you’ll find great tips on fitting and co.