Learn to water ski & wakeboard: more adventure while camping

Learn to water ski and wakeboard – The gentle breeze, the sound of the water and the natural backdrop provide the perfect setting for unforgettable leisure activities.
Water sports are a popular pastime, especially when camping with a roof tent or tent trailer by the water, whether by sea or lake.
One option is water skiing or wakeboarding.
Discover a wealth of helpful tips here, starting with the best way to get started on the water, how to ride a boat or a system and the right equipment.

Nature meets adrenaline: family, fun & water sports

Why not add a little action to your camping adventure and try water skiing or wakeboarding while camping?
Not only does this provide adrenaline rushes and fun, but it also adds an extra dose of dynamism to the outdoor experience.
It also offers the opportunity to network with other campers or water sports fans on site and is an entertaining change of pace for the whole family.
Of course, you should check beforehand whether the waters are safe and take the necessary safety precautions, but then nothing stands in the way of action-packed water sports fun while camping!

Camping with action: advantages summarized!

For these reasons, it is worth combining camping with water skiing or wakeboarding:

  • Adrenaline rushes & fun for an exciting nature experience
  • Dynamic variety for your camping adventure
  • Family fun & new friends for all ages

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Tips for beginners: techniques, basics & co.

Water skis are two narrow skis that are curved at the front and float on the surface of the water.
They are connected to the rider’s feet via a binding.
The wakeboard, on the other hand, is more reminiscent of a snowboard – for non-frozen water.
It is a single board that is also connected to the feet via a binding.
To stay on the surface of the water, the rider needs a certain amount of speed.
These are water skis:

  • Two narrow skis: curved at the front
  • Swimming on the water surface
  • Connected to feet via binding

And this is what a wakeboard looks like:

  • Reminiscent of a snowboard for the water
  • Connected to the feet via a binding
  • Stay afloat, with speed

Equipment, boat and line: this is how water skiing & wakeboarding works!

For speed, the rider is pulled by a line that is either attached to a boat or an automatic system.
The variant with the boat allows a freer choice of route, as a boat is not tied to a point like a system.
However, the system offers more stability and a predetermined route can help you get used to curves and the pull from the rope.
These are the basic concepts you should know before you go waterskiing or wakeboarding for the first time:

  • Line pulls rider on water skis / wakeboard
  • Attached to: Boat / automatic system
  • Boat advantage: free choice of route
  • Advantage system: More stability (for beginners)

Course, dry training & techniques: Preparation

At the beginning, it is often helpful to attend a course.
As a budding water sports enthusiast, the techniques for riding are explained and shown to you there.
There is often also dry training beforehand so that you can learn the correct body position on a firm surface.
You should do this so that you can glide over the water later on:

  • Attend a course
  • Dry training on solid ground

Start at the system: ramp, curve & exit

If you then want to start in the water, you are usually pulled into the water from a mat at the facility.
To do this, you squat down on it and hold on to the rope handle with your arms outstretched.
This is also called a barbell.
When the jerk goes through the rope and pulls you over the ramp, you should straighten up and not lean back too much so that you can avoid falling.
However, make sure that you don’t bend your knees all the way and stay slightly bent.
If you do fall into the water, it is important to let go of the line.
This will prevent you from being dragged behind and often avoid injury.
You should also leave the riding area quickly so that one of the following riders does not catch you.
If you want to get off the system before you fall, this is possible at some bends on many systems.
It is helpful if you let the barbell fall down and do not throw it away.
Otherwise it could injure someone else.
This is how the start at the water ski / wakeboard facility works in eight steps:

  1. Start: squat down
  2. Stretch out your arms fully
  3. Pull up under your own steam
  4. Don’t lean back too much
  5. Release the leash when falling
  6. Pay attention to other water sports enthusiasts (swim quickly to the shore)
  7. Exit: Often possible at a bend
  8. Drop the dumbbell down (do not throw it away: could hit someone)

Water skiing: start, turns & posture

If you have decided to use skis, you should make sure you are standing about hip-width apart.
If you stand up out of the water with a line, adopt a similar stance in the water.
The tips of your skis should be sticking out of the water.
When the boat sets off, you can pull yourself up and stand upright.
When adopting your basic position, make sure you bend your knees slightly.
Once you are standing and have a feel for the ride, you can try your hand at the first few bends.
You should be careful not to take them too tightly and ride in arcs.
To do this, slowly shift your weight to one side.
It is also best to prepare yourself for the rope pull and balance yourself with your knees.
It is best to bend your knees slightly so that you can move them freely.
There are often buoys to guide you around the bend.
You can ride through them.
Another look at water skiing:

  1. Water ski hip-width & with tip out of the water
  2. Shift your weight to the side & bend your knees
  3. Withstand rope pull through body tension
  4. Do not take bends too tightly, but in curves
  5. At facilities: often help with buoys for orientation

Water skiing: common mistakes & tips

Here too, the start and driving style are explained to you once again using video recordings.
Frequent mistakes are discussed in particular.
When starting, you should start from a crouched position and pay attention to your body tension.
You will also be given tips on how to negotiate the bends and how to behave on the water ski course.
You can watch the video for more tips.

Wakeboard: tips for body tension & riding style

If the wakeboard has become your water sports equipment of choice, then you should again make sure you have the correct stance with your knees bent.
Hold the barbell at about hip height and tense your arms.
As well as keeping your arms tensed, it is also important to maintain body tension.
To ride straight out, bring one tip of the board forward and shift the weight to the back foot.
At the same time, push the front tip slightly out of the water.
You should also look in the direction of travel and not at the board, as you can lose your balance very quickly if you look down.
Wakeboarding at a glance:

  1. Knees bent & keep body tension
  2. Hands at hip height & arms tensed
  3. Shift your weight to the back foot
  4. Tip of the wakeboard out of the water
  5. Look in the direction of travel (more balance)

Wakeboard: All beginnings in video form

This video starts with helpful tips on choosing the right board.
The starting position and body position on the water are described and illustrated in detail.
Common mistakes are also explained and you are shown how to avoid them.
In particular, the straight body position is discussed and it is made clear that you should not lean too much into the rope.

Equipment: life jacket, helmet & co.

First of all, it is advisable to wear flotation shafts and a wetsuit.
A life jacket and helmet are also a good option for safety.
A life jacket is also worthwhile for experienced swimmers.
After powering out on a board or skis, a little buoyancy can be very helpful when leaving the water quickly.
A helmet is also recommended, especially for beginners, as head injuries are not nice for anyone.
Even professionals often attach a camera to it and protect their head when performing tricks and ramps.
As the equipment can be quite expensive at the beginning, it is worth renting it at first.
This is often provided by the operators, who also provide equipment and boats and offer courses.
The equipment at a glance:

  • Swimwear (swimming trunks/swimsuit/bikini)
  • Neoprene suit
  • Life jacket
  • Helmet
  • In the beginning: Borrowing

Top travel destinations:

There are water ski facilities in many places where there are rivers, lakes or the sea.
Here are some of the most popular:

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A roof tent is worthwhile so that you can drive flexibly back and forth between water sports and the campsite.
You even have the trailer coupling free so that you can take a trailer with water skis and wakeboard with you.
With some roof tents, you can also transport your equipment on the roof.
You can take a look at such a roof tent now:

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More activities & experiences for your vacation

Here you can find more activities on wheels and other activities for your vacation.

Water sports on vacation: canoeing, surfing, water skiing & co.

You can make the waves unsafe not only on a wakeboard or water skis.
A trip on or into the water is particularly popular when camping.
Whether in a canoe, motorboat or on a surfboard, water sports offer a wide range of options for every taste.
Get ready to enjoy the water in all its facets and discover exciting new water sports!

Vacation activities: More than water

Take the opportunity to discover new things, whether alone or in company, and turn your camping vacation into an adventure full of varied experiences!
Camping is not just about spending time on the water, there are also plenty of activities to discover outside the campsite.
Experience outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling and roller skating.
If you’re planning your vacation and are still looking for exciting activities for you, your family or your partner, you’ll find lots of great ideas here:

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